There are a number of questions you have to ask yourself before you start a blog. One of them is: which is the best blogging platform for my site?
Finding the right blogging platform doesn’t have to be difficult – especially if you have a general idea of what your blog is going to be about, your budget, and your level of technical expertise.
In this post, we’ll be reviewing nine of the best blogging platforms out there, highlighting their pros and cons, and giving you some insight on who it’s best for. By the time you’re done reading this post, you should have a better idea about which blogging platform is right for your specific needs.
Let’s get started!

Best Blogging Platforms


Finding the blogging platform that’s right for your needs is pretty simple once you know the direction you want to move in, have a budget set aside, and have a general idea of your technical expertise.
  • Blogging platforms like give you a lot of flexibility but require some technical expertise to get started with.
  • Others like Wix are easier to start out with and offer hosted solutions though your blog will display branded ads and customization/monetization options are limited.
  • And finally, premium platforms like Squarespace take all the heavy lifting out of starting a blog though you will have to pay more and have limitations on adding features to your blog or customizing it.
Which blogging platform are you thinking of trying out and why? Let us know by commenting below!

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