'Satyamev Jayate' was a powerful TV show in India that carried consuming issues to the consideration of the overall population. A couple of years back, Radha Krishna Dhital got an opportunity to meet and collaborate with the show's group in India and that gave him running a comparative show in Nepal. 

Dhital developed that thought for over eighteen months and is currently prepared to introduce it as 'Ainaa'. "We need to acquire ground-level issues which have the most effect on individuals' lives yet have not been gotten by the established press," Dhital clarified. "We need to go past the features and take a gander at the fundamental measurements," he said. 

Dhital, with his almost twenty years of involvement with the Nepali media, likewise needs to change individuals' view of TV. "There is this paired thought that industrially delivered programs are unadulterated amusement and non-business ones are news reports. 

At the point when we moved toward individuals and associations with the idea of this show, many were astounded. They figured just non-administrative associations would deliver such projects. This mentality is the thing that we try to change." 

Ainaa will be a monetarily created unscripted TV drama which will zero in on substance generally viewed as non-business. "We will have business brands and organizations as supporters. There will be notices," Dhital, who is additionally the venture head, explained. 

The TV program is being created at an expense of Rs. 50 million by the group of Horizon Multimedia. It will air each Wednesday at 9 pm on Kantipur Television beginning January 20. 

The actual show will be a video magazine, including interviews, tributes, film from the field and sensation. Basically, it will follow a similar organization as Satyamev Jayate. For this, it has acquired a no-complaint authentication from the creators of Satyamev and has been talking with its group all through the creation cycle. 

Ainaa will likewise have a live studio crowd and all concerned characters including the people in question, specialists and specialists will be welcomed on to introduce their points of view. The principal season will have 26 scenes with every scene zeroing in on another subject. 

The themes were chosen through a comprehensive exploration measure that took up the majority of the previous one and a half years, Dhital revealed.

"We took a gander at the issues that haven't got media consideration, made field visits, conversed with individuals, accumulated information and made top notch of 150 points. At that point, we shortlisted 40 lastly, picked the 26 issues which were generally considerable to the general public." 

After the finish of issues came the shooting part. The group, involving around 40 individuals, have shot in excess of 70 regions and are by and by shooting in their studio set up at Nepal Chalchitra Bikas Company in Balaju, Kathmandu. Things are prepared for the show's dispatch on Wednesday – no little accomplishment considering the difficulties COVID-19 tossed Ainaa's direction. 

"We started shoots from the center of February yet then needed to stop due to the lockdown from March 24. We remained at home for over two months and had just barely continued in May when 11 of the 14 individuals from our field group got the Covid and must be secluded," Dhital said. 

"Besides, inferable from the pandemic, we have chosen to just have 45 individuals in our studio crowd, not exactly a large portion of our unique arrangement of having 100. Covers will be mandatory and there will purify corners." 

Ainaa, which will be 58 minutes long, will be facilitated by Bishwa Prakash Sharma, representative for Nepali Congress. Shows like these frequently will in general component activists, social specialists or cause-related people. Satyamev Jayate highlighted entertainer and movie producer Aamir Khan. All in all, for what reason did Ainaa pick a political character? 

All things considered, as per Dhital, they didn't decide to pick a political individual. "Our aim was to highlight somebody who has an inside and out comprehension of the issues our show centers around, somebody who can identify with the regular battles of the individuals, somebody who is the agent of the conventional society and somebody who is skilled. This might have been anyone." 


Dhital and the group investigated numerous alternatives, tried out numerous individuals from numerous areas and eventually found that Sharma was the lone individual that fit the bill. 

Sharma, as far as concerns him, has said that he wishes to hold a mirror (ainaa) to the country and himself through the show. While he was unable to be reached straightforwardly for this article, Sharma has expressed in other media interviews that the show will focus a light on the individuals who have not had the option to encounter the progressions brought by the political changes in the country. 

Yet, won't Sharma's character dominate the actual show? Dhital doesn't think so in light of the fact that the new "TikTok age" this show is focused on doesn't have a clue about Sharma's political affiliations. 

They will see him exclusively as the moderator of the show. Additionally, Sharma is likewise a regarded person who has not been trapped in any contention. 

Since the show is focused to the young people, it has received an essentially advanced special system zeroing in via online media. It has additionally delivered radio promotions and plans to set up 20 storing sheets the nation over. 

It delivered its signature melody a month ago which has so far got in excess of 140,000 perspectives with in excess of 1,500 preferences. "The response to the show has been generally great and empowering," Dhital shared. 

The creators of Ainaa need to begin a mission to acquire genuine change the general public. Thus, they are getting ready to set up the Ainaa Foundation that will keep working in different social fields even after the show reach a conclusion.

Ainaa "ऐना" | "चुडिएका कोपिला" | Episode - 01

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