Illegal mobile blocking software implemented from today

 Based on IMEI number, mobile is classified as legal or illegal. Such a number is usually 15 digits.

Nepal Telecom Authority has implemented Mobile Device Management System (MDMS) in Nepal since Friday. After the implementation of the connected system with the objective of controlling illegal mobile devices, it will create a situation where only illegal mobile phones entered in Nepal and only legal mobile phones will be allowed to operate.

Although NEA awarded the contract at a cost of Rs. 760 million in June, 2076 BS to complete the work within six months, the system came into operation late due to delay. Ever since the announcement to start from July 1, there has been a lot of interest in what this system is like, how it works, what kind of mobiles are turned off.

Why was it implemented?

This system has been implemented to discourage the use of mobile sets stolen abroad or entering Nepal without paying taxes. Legally imported mobiles are also subject to VAT and customs duty. However, such mobiles are also available cheaply in the market as customs and VAT are not paid on the mobiles brought by evading customs. Since tax-free mobiles are available cheaply, the sales of such mobiles are higher. The government also loses revenue from this.

What is MDMS?

Mobile Device Management System (MDMS) is a system used to track mobile device data. The mobile data system in it distinguishes which mobile is legal and which is illegal. Based on the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number on each mobile device, the mobile is classified as legal or illegal. Such a number is usually 15 digits. Such numbers are written on the SIM slot or battery when buying a mobile.

How does it work?

The NEA is keeping the IMEI number of every mobile phone imported into Nepal in the MDMS system. Every mobile phone that enters Nepal after paying customs duty is listed in this system as a valid mobile phone. In addition, users can register the IMEI number of a mobile phone as a gift or purchased from abroad.

MDMS systems are also integrated into each service provider's server. This system is also connected to the servers of Nepal Telecom, Ncell, Smart Telecom. If the SIM distributed by such a service provider is being used in a mobile and the IMEI of that mobile is not registered or there is a complaint that it has been stolen or lost, the SIM will not work in it.

Can the mobile be switched off?

Even if IMEI starts from Friday, mobiles that are not registered with IMEI will not be shut down immediately. Work is underway to list the IMEI number of the mobile and the IMEI number registered by the user in the MDMS system. NEA spokesperson Santosh Poudel said that even if this system is implemented, any mobile phone operating in Nepal will not be switched off. NEA will give a definite time to register the mobiles bought or gifted outside Nepal. During this period, unregistered mobiles will be classified and users will be warned or turned off.

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What kind of mobile IMEI should be registered?

If a phone is bought from abroad or comes as a gift, only the IMEI number of such mobile should be registered. NEA has stated that the IMEI of a mobile purchased with VAT bill in Nepal is not required. NEA works to list the IMEI numbers of legally imported mobile sets in Nepal from the seller. After the implementation of this system, the classification of other mobile devices will be started by putting the legally sold mobiles in Nepal in the list of legal ones.

Where to register? Need proof?

IMEI number can be registered from the website of Nepal Telecommunication Authority. For this, the user has to upload a government identity card along with the IMEI number of his mobile. In addition, there will be a facility to check whether the IMEI number of your mobile is registered or not.

What should tourists coming to Nepal do?

Tourists visiting Nepal from any country have brought roaming service in the SIM of the service provider in their country. if someone comes to Nepal and installs SIM, such mobile will not work. However, the NEA is also preparing to provide facility to the tourists who come to Nepal and use Nepal's SIM on their mobile phones even if they do not register with IMEI for a period of 15 days or more.