Question Hub is a tool that Google has created to help the user. With the help of this tool, Blogger can easily find such Query about which the user is searching on the Internet and the information of that Query is not present on the Internet.

Many people want to know that what is the Google Question Hub that Google has created for the publisher? 

More than 400 bloggers and youtubers contributed in this from all over India. In this event, Google has publicly released its new two tools, Question Hub and Navlekha. That's why today I thought that why should not you be provided complete information about this new tool, so that it will be helpful for new content creators and bloggers to write good and valuable content in the future.

Being a blogger, I have felt this problem that no such free tool was available for Hindi bloggers earlier about what content to write so that it is more helpful to the people.

Then without delay let's start and know what is this Question Hub and how it is going to help a new blogger to write good articles. In the end part of this article, I have shared some important information with you about which you may not know, so read the whole article very carefully.

What is Question Hub - 

Google has created Question Hub mainly for Content Writers or Bloggers. Its main purpose is to put those questions in front of bloggers, whose answers users want to know but they are not yet available on the internet.

This will make it easier for bloggers to understand what the users want to know in the end and hence they will write their article on the same topic. This Question Hub Tool is absolutely free. And it can be used by any blogger or content creator, but before that they must have a Nepali blog. Otherwise it can be of no use to them.

This is specially made by Google for bloggers. This is because research by Google has revealed that the content in Nepali language is only 0.1% where the content in English is about 50%.

How to use Google Question Hub?

The tool of Question Hub has been made very simple. Its UI (user interface) has also been made very intuitive. In this, bloggers will get information about those questions of users, about which no one has answered before.

You people must have also felt that when you want to find the answer to a question, then many times you do not get a precise answer to your question, this is because any content creator has never written any answer to that question or Despite writing it has not been published.

In order to overcome such problems, Google has developed the Question Hub Tool, this will make it easier for publishers to answer questions whose answers they know but they did not get these questions.

Now if a user does not get a proper answer to his question in google search, then there is definitely the option of a feedback in front of him so that he can paste his question in it.

As a user submits his question by typing in the box of that Google feedback, then those questions are also added to the question hub tool.

 By the way, you must be thinking that if users are submitting millions or crores of questions like this, are all the questions added to the question hub tool?

So the answer is no because it is not appropriate to do so because most of the questions are not complete and are not correct, along with there are many such questions which are similar, so Google has developed some such algorithms. Which filters out the unnecessary questions. Due to this the quality of questions is also correct and bloggers do not face any problem in answering them.

Question Hub tool first divides all the questions into different categories like Fashion, Education, Technology, Finance etc. Being like this, it is easy for niche bloggers to answer the questions of their niche.

In this, you can also find category wise questions or you can also search by keywords. Together you can add about 5 questions at a time. Also you have a quota of 100 questions. And as soon as you submit or reject questions, your quota also comes back to you.

Features of Google QuestionHub

Although the tool of Question Hub does not have much features at the moment, whatever they are, let's get some more information about them. This will make it very easy for you to use them.

1. Questions

Through this feature, you can see all the questions in the question hub. Along with the topics in which you need questions, you can also add them to answer those questions.

Adding a question is also very easy, in this you have to click on Add Question, by doing this two options come in front of you, one is to search topic wise and the other option is to search through keywords. You can add questions according to you.

Note that only 5 questions can be added at a time. At the same time, you can save questions in your account up to maximum 100 questions.

If you want to answer a question, then by clicking on the answer button on the side of the question, you can put a link to your article (blog) on ​​it. And can also submit together.

On the other hand, if you do not know the answer to the question, then you can use the reject button on the side. With this, that question gets removed from your account forever.

2. Starred

Through this Starred option, you can starred those questions (or have to click on the star symbol). With this, that question will be added to your starred section and you can answer it whenever you want. Whenever you want, you can answer those questions by going to the starred section.

3. History

Through this option, you can know about all the questions that you answered or rejected. Together you can also see the history of all of them.

4. Topics

Many topics have been well categorized in this tool such as Arts & Entertainment, Beauty & Fitness, Finance, Games, Health or News. You can get questions on many such topics. But for now you can choose only up to 100 questions. And as soon as you answer or reject the question, your limit will also be recharged.

5. Settings

In this option, you have the control to use the tool in your hands. Let us know about that.

Display Language: In this you can choose your display language, such as English, Hindi or any other.

Question Language: In this, you can see the language in which you want to see the questions, as well as add language to it according to your need. Like English, Hindi.

Delete your activity or account: In this you can do two things, first is Delete your activity and second is Delete your account and activity. If you want to reset your account and activity, then you can do so here. But note that this is an irreversible process that cannot be repeated again. What has been done once cannot come back.

Export your data: Using this option you can export all your activity from CSV file. Also, you can download and watch them and save them later.

6. Send Feedback

Through this option, you can easily contact with the team of question hub. For example, if you face any problem, then you can definitely use this option for help.

7. Question Count

In this, you can see the questions you have added and can also track their count.

8. See Questions

With this option, you can see all the questions added together.

How to answer questions in QuestionHub?

It is very easy to answer questions in Question Hub. First of all you have to login to For which you can use your email and password, if you have access to Question Hub.

1. After logging in, you will see the home page of Question Hub.

2. You can add questions by clicking on Add Questions.

3. Click on the Answer Button on the side of the question and submit the link of your article. Whereas if you do not know the answer then you can reject it.

4. With one topic, you can add up to 5 questions at a time and add up to 100 questions in total.

Note: Note that here you submit only the link of your website or blog post, which you think will be right for the users.

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