
He is a Freelance Writer, Photographer,youtuber, blogger, Social Media enthusiast and an Internet Entreprenuer. He has learned a lot writing  for income and SEO, Traffic over the years, and he doesn't take it as a profession though he believed that he's good at it. He spend hours helping his users and giving support in blogger and new designer,

111 Blog Tips learnt from 2007to 2012

1. Blog with passion then returns follow people naturally
2. Use domain name simple and short.
3. Maintain Readership
4. Reduce Bounce rate by increasing the quality of the content
5. Increase pageviews per user by internal linking
6. Comment on other blogs only after reading the article
7. Comment only on the relevant blogs
8. Never spam comments
9. Never use shortcuts to increase traffic
10. Not to use keyword stuffing
11. Catch the pulse of the reader and write content accordingly
12. Don’t allow too many of guest posts
13. Decrease OBL (outbound links) as much as possible
14. Keep changing the password used to login to the site
15. Avoid plagiarism
16. Build interaction with other bloggers in different groups
17. Ads for the blog and blog not for the ads
18. Do not maintain link exchange
19. Do participate in relevant forums
20. Regularly maintain backlinks
21. Gather and preseve good PR blogs list
22. Use Tags specific to the content
23. Use meta title, meta description, meta keywords
24. Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
25. Use Google Analytics and do proper study
26. Keep learning SEO
26. Place ads only at proper places
27. Give importance to the readers
28. Use Social Networking
29. Give acknowledgment to other sites when any content of them is used
30. Not to overuse plugins
31. Maintain About Me page
32. Use customized coding whereever possible
33. Use videos to make the readers understand the topic easier
34. Use Images appropriately
35. Choose permalink wisely
36. Backup the entire blog and database regularly
37. Reduce the widgets that are not useful
38. Use RSS reader and increase readership
39. Keep updated with latest tech updates
40. Use bookmarking efficiently
41. Submit articles to Stumbleupon, digg, plerb, Facebook, Twitter
42. Maintain Categories
43. Use attractive contact Form
44. Use web friendly colors on the blog
45. Provide the facility to the users to subscribe to the comments
46. Google adsense is not the only source of revenue
47. use Adsense alternatives if needed
48. Buy only reliable hosting with good technical knowledge
49. Keep experimenting the layouts of ads
50. Keep reading the other blogs
51. Maintain Eye catching Titles
52. Maintain our own style of writing
53. Content should be simple and easy to understand
54. Easy to navigate through the blog
55. Keep exploring other Niches also
56. Not to use Blogrolls
57. Maintain Give aways
58. Don’t encourage too many paid text links
59. Answer the readers comments with patience and politeness
60. Think big and maintain Brand
61. Maintain internal links wherever possible
62. Nofollow usage
63. Use Robots.txt efficiently
64. Give top priority to the Blog Security
65. Encourage newbies of blogging
66. Maintain email privacy
67. Keep posting regularly
68. Always maintain one more blog in other Niche
69. Avoid content duplication
70. Keep sharing everytip only after testing successfully
71. Importance to both Onpage and Offpage SEO
72. Keep doing guest posting only in relevant blogs
73. Republish old articles if inevitable
74. Increase site loading speed
75. Reduce flash files usage unless they are highly needed
76. Use attractive and simple Logo
77. Don’t misrepresent blog revenue figures ever
78. Don’t do keyword stuffing
79. Use Customized Menu
80. Give backlink to the images used from other sites
81. Use Keyword luv comments
82. Comment on both dofollow and nofollow blogs
83. Don’t spin others content
84. Not to change blog niche
85. Copyscape proof content from guest bloggers
86. Maintain different hosts for different sites
87. If not able to post for few days inform the same so that readers will come to know the reason
88. Treat the blog as an asset that gives passive income
89. Proofreading the content before posting
90. Not to use Nulled themes
91. Maintain content quality, uniqueness
92. Use Heading tags wherever needed
93. Break long paragraphs short and simple
94. Don’t encourage readers to click the ads
95. Offer ebooks and giveaways
96. Provide links to let readers subscribe to RSS
97. Provide different Sitemap for endusers
98. Maintain backlinks from web 2.0 sites
99. Not to use blackhat seo
100. Don’t hesitante to use Affilliate marketing
101. Provide different blog templates for Desktops, Tablets and Mobiles
102. Maintain atleast 350-500 words per article
103. Maintain blog drafts so that one may not forget the topic to write on and schedule it
104. Control Spam comments automatically
105. Reduce blog maintenance
106. Don’t change blog theme frequently
107. Ensure site is compatible with any browser
108. Share blog revenue figures occassionally
109. Provide facility to read the blog in other languages
110. Use adsense with feeds and search
111. Become Pro blogger and Pro SEO Expert.
